How common is IBS?

August 21, 2024

The IBS Program™ / The IBS Solution™ By Julissa Clay The IBS program comes in the format of a step-by-step program that can be purchased by anyone curious. The product is designed for everyone who wants to control their IBS symptoms and enjoy a pain-free life. One of the most impressive aspects of this program is that you may complete the workouts. You may do the workouts during the lunch hour, on a flight, or even at the house, and the great news is that you don’t need special equipment to complete them.

How common is IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a relatively common gastrointestinal disorder worldwide. The prevalence varies depending on the region, but it affects a significant percentage of the population.

Global Prevalence:

  • Worldwide: IBS is estimated to affect 10–15% of the global population. The condition is found in both developed and developing countries, although the prevalence can vary based on diagnostic criteria and healthcare access.

Regional Prevalence:

  • United States: IBS affects about 10–15% of adults. However, only about 5–7% of people in the U.S. have received a diagnosis, indicating that many cases remain undiagnosed.
  • Europe: Similar prevalence rates are reported, with about 10–15% of the population affected.
  • Asia: In some Asian countries, the prevalence of IBS may be slightly lower, ranging from 5–10% of the population.

Gender Differences:

  • Women: IBS is more common in women than men. In many studies, women are affected at about 1.5 to 2 times the rate of men.
  • Men: While less common in men, IBS still affects a substantial number of males, particularly those with IBS-D (diarrhea-predominant IBS).

Age Groups:

  • Adults: IBS is most commonly diagnosed in individuals under the age of 50, although it can affect people of any age.
  • Children: IBS can also occur in children and adolescents, though the prevalence is lower compared to adults.


Many individuals with IBS symptoms do not seek medical care, either because they consider their symptoms mild or manageable, or because they may not realize the symptoms are part of a medical condition. As a result, the actual prevalence could be higher than reported.


IBS is a common disorder affecting millions of people around the world, with prevalence rates ranging from 5–15% globally, depending on the region. It affects more women than men and can develop in individuals of all ages, though it is most often seen in younger adults.

The IBS Program™ / The IBS Solution™ By Julissa Clay The IBS program comes in the format of a step-by-step program that can be purchased by anyone curious. The product is designed for everyone who wants to control their IBS symptoms and enjoy a pain-free life. One of the most impressive aspects of this program is that you may complete the workouts. You may do the workouts during the lunch hour, on a flight, or even at the house, and the great news is that you don’t need special equipment to complete them.